Personalized Sports Phone Cases for iPhone 4, 5, 6 and the new Sports iPhone 6S Case. with Your NAME, Jersey Number, Monogram or Your Text. Change the background and text COLORS to Your Team Colors or favorite color combination.
Change it to a Newer iPhone , iPad, Galaxy Case Style
TOUGH iPhone 4 Cases Sports Theme with YOUR NAME by LittleLindaPinda
Here is a similar iPhone 6 Case
including the new Sports iPhone 6S Cases
Personalized Sports iPhone Cases Your Colors, Text Barely There iPhone 6 Case
Most of the Case Styles can be changed to other device cases such as iPad, iPod, Older to Newer Sports iPhone Cases and Galaxy Cover.
Here it is as an Sports iPad Air Cover
I made this design on a phone case for my grandson. I bought him the Xtreme Tough iPhone Case for added protection. He takes really great care of his phone, even at a young age. I can help you ADD more or less text to any of the sports phone cases. You can change the background and the text color too.
For Changes to Any Design or Help CALL:
Little Linda Pinda Designs
I am drawn to the super cute ones too. I am really clumsy and know I need something sturdier. ipad covers